The perfect combination of the V BMX Aqualia Waterjump at Phe Festival this Friday 23rd
#Phe2024 || #UnicoInCanary Islands
Like a good pairing of food and wine, there are combinations that make the spectator burst with emotion. And that is precisely what the BMX Aqualia Waterjump at Phe Festival achieves. Water, adrenaline, fun, friends and fast-paced rides are the elements that combine perfectly to make this sporting event one of the most eagerly awaited within the 'menu' of parallel activities at the festival in El Puerto.
The fishing dock in Puerto de la Cruz is the perfect setting for the fifth edition of this activity this Friday, August 23 at 2:30 p.m. There are 900 euros in prizes for the three best jumpers. In addition, in this edition other vehicles have been incorporated to jump into the water besides bicycles: it can be done on a skateboard. The jury will decide who are the best three jumpers of this fifth edition.
Mati Lasgoity and Rubén Rodríguez know the waterjump discipline very well and are immersed in the coordination of the activity, as well as being active participants in the competition. Lasgoity has taken the podium in the last two editions of the competition and this year “I am going with all the energy to repeat everything, even the podium,” he announced.
Aqualia has been the main promoter of this frenetic activity since its beginnings and Phe Festival is grateful that they are also present in this fifth edition. The promotion and encouragement of sport and healthy living is key to the organization of Phe Festival and thanks to entities such as Aqualia, it is possible to offer a quality alternative program.
Braulio Domínguez, Head of Production at Aqualia in Tenerife and a native of Puerto de la Cruz, is clear that the support of Aqualia, the entity responsible for providing such an essential service as bringing water to the homes of the people of Puerto de la Cruz, must continue to be present in activities such as this. “Promoting and promoting initiatives such as the fifth edition of the Aqualia BMX Waterjump at Phe Festival is a pleasure for us. Our relationship and commitment with the City Council, and therefore with the citizens of Puerto de la Cruz, in cultural, health and well-being initiatives, is historic. Our business values are fully aligned with this type of discipline,” explains Domínguez. The representative of Aqualia is familiar with the city of Puerto de la Cruz and its relationship with the sea and the marine environment. “Aqualia could not fail to continue lending its support to a proposal like this one that bears our name and is already a classic as a start to the Phe Festival. I know it is a safe bet,” he said.
The definition of the V BMX Aqualia Waterjump combination has been created by Lasgoity and Rodríguez. Widely knowledgeable in the discipline, they are clear that although falling into the water with a bicycle may seem easy and fun, it is not so if the body falls into the water before the bicycle: “if the bicycle falls into the water before you do, it is ideal because it breaks the tension of the water,” explains Rubén Rodríguez.
The trick or pirouette performed in the air is decisive in obtaining the highest score from the jury. However, the level of planning before the final jump varies depending on the rider: for Rodríguez it is something that is decided “when you are gaining speed to jump, it is crucial that you know what trick you are going to do,” he explains. For Lasgoity and in his particular case, “the jumps are thought out and premeditated because a mistake there is like falling on the asphalt,” he warns.
The Phe, the V BMX Aqualia Waterjump and Puerto de la Cruz are an equilateral triangle, with three equal sides. They always add and never subtract. “I think the waterjump has become one of the most popular activities within the Phe Festival because it is fun. It is a way of connecting because obviously, who doesn’t like doing or watching stunts on a bike?” asks Mati Lasgoity. For Rubén Rodríguez there is a connection between the sea and the idiosyncrasy of the city: “they have always had activities related to the sea, such as the cucaña at the Fiestas del Carmen. That attracts a lot of people’s attention. In addition, I think there is also the curiosity of seeing if we can do a stunt,” he says with a laugh.
The aquatic competition on wheels within the Phe Festival is more than consolidated. Beyond being the fifth edition, this year the expectations of participation are quite high both in number and origin of the riders. “This year we will have riders from outside the Canary Islands, specifically from Mallorca. In addition, we have the expectation that participation will increase and that the scooters (skateboards) in the competition,” Rodríguez explained.
Everything is ready to jump into the air and land in the water on the V BMX Aqualia Waterjump. Have you already thought about what trick you are going to do?